Where Am I?

Where am I? Hmm, well I could be a smart alec and say I am in the publication center. But I will not. I am in my teenage years and I have a lot of tough choices in life. Decisions I make now will make a huge dent into my path. I am from a small town in the middle of cornfields and a few paths to the outside world of cities...and a few towns. I feel like growing up in a small town, you gain some special skills others who live in metropolitan areas do not. For example, as you drive down M St. you will pass others. But as you pass them, when you look through the other car's windshield, you will usually see them give you a polite wave of the hand, or a finger raised off the steering wheel. This is the politeness of Aurora. People always say that Aurora is one of the best towns in Nebraska, and I believe it! If you walk down a street in NYC, it is highly unlikely that someone will go out of their way to say hello. It is that kind of genuine kindness that only small towns are experience.
Right now, I am in that difficult stage of deciding which college am I to attend. One minute, I'm decided into what profession I am going in to, the next I have second thoughts and I'm confused. In my case, I have backup, but I'm not sure if that should be my first choice. After the College and Career Day on Monday, I was set on being a police man. But now, I realize I really want to have technology and computers as my life. Going into information systems sounds like the best bet for that. Now, it is time for the choice of College.

Right off the bat, I am deciding that a University is what I want. I want a place that will not only look like a prestigious institution, but to also get an education that will help me be good at it. But in my field of interest, experience is equally important as education. As of now, Wayne State, UNL, and UNK are in my scopes of fire. UNL is okay, but I think that is inching off my radar, just because their only computer major is computer science, and that is not what I am looking for! I saw that UNK has an information systems major, so there is a high chance for me there. But, Wayne has a computer science with networking concentrate major which I also looked into deeply: decisions, decisions. I just hope when I get there, I don't have to do a lot of math!

Currently, in my opinion, I have a stable part time job at the Aurora Mall. I hate working there, but it keeps my car running, my phone working, and supplies me with plenty of food. I am one of the last people there that have worked there for longer than 2 months. In my workplace, I'm like a senior! I get to teach all the new people how to work the box crusher, stock shelves, and backstock. You would think a manager or boss would do that, huh? With my job, I have learned to work with good ethic and to be more responsible and out-going. I was terribly shy before I started. I would say I am still shy and reserved, but if I have to try and keep a conversation going, I will try! My boss gives me certain respect others at work don't receive. He likes to talk in a lot of detail to others, even if they have worked there longer than I have, and then he checks up on them to make sure they did it right. With me, he gives me an idea of what needs to be done, and I do it. I don't have him there telling me what to do or how to do it. I choose what I do in order to get what needs to be done. Some of the other employees act like they need the extra help, if you know what I mean.
I feel like no matter where we go, hopefully that one part of us which makes up your personality will never change. Because in that, it has memories of how we were brought up. That is one of the biggest things that contribute to where we are. Where are you in your life? Are you that person who treats everyone like they are nothing, or do you treat them with respect? This is not only "who we are", but also "where we are" in morals.